
can't see my tiktok videos

Have you e'er experienced when your TikTok got fairly high views merely suddenly it drops drastically on the next twenty-four hours? It's probably considering your video might not announced on another'southward page. Only the question is why is your TikTok video not showing upward for others?

Well, it's understandable that information technology'll exist quite frustrating for you since this outcome will affect and then much on your engagement level. But no worries, we'll figure out what'south causing this consequence, and how to fix it.

Why Is Your TikTok Video Not Showing Up For Others?

Why Is Your TikTok Video Not Showing Up For Others
Source: 10Scopes

There tin can be reasons behind this glitch. Sometimes, the TikTok app stops working for no credible reason and all the functionality disappears. When your video doesn't show up for other users, it might just be due to the app not working when you hit upload. Other technical difficulties can likewise happen that might preclude you from uploading your video.

Here are some of the reasons why people tin can't see your video on TikTok.

ane. Shadowbanned

The top reason why your TikTok content doesn't prove upward on other'due south pages is that information technology probably got shadowbanned. When your business relationship is shadowbanned, it'south like you got banned only you receive no official notification as it's supposed to. That's strange, indeed. What's worse, none tin can't clinch what or who is the culprit of this shadowbanning affair.

It could probably be bug issues or for some users information technology's a company's work backside this issue. In addition, someone could be shadowbanned due to two main reasons: spamming and posting inappropriate content. If that's the case, information technology should exist the visitor'south responsibility – and shadowbanning is unnecessary.

2. Unstable Net Connection

Aside from beingness shadowbanned, net stability tin can also bear upon your video visibility. A poor internet connection will restrict certain TikTok features from reaching your content. As a effect, your video can go lost and nobody can see it.

iii. Your Account Might Be Private

Did you lot set your TikTok account to individual? If so, that could exist another reason why your content cannot go past the feed of your followers. When your account is private, your followers tin't see, share, or fifty-fifty appoint with your video.

Merely to resolve this problem, simply set your individual business relationship to a public one. In one case y'all've done it, your content could peradventure appear on others' FYP.

4. The Servers Might Be Downwardly at That Moment

The problem is not always on the user-stop, but it could be on the server finish too. Sometimes, the server could be downward due to the updating process or anything else. If this is the reason, there's zip much you can do until the company fixes information technology in some amount of time.

5. Outdated App

Using outdated apps might cause issues. There might be whatever broken files or bugs that are supposed to be fixed in one case you lot update the app.

How to Gear up TikTok-Doesn't-Appear-to-Other's-Page Effect?

Source: YouTube Assistance Desk-bound

Here'due south what y'all can do if your TikTok video is not showing up for other users.

1. Restart Your Phone

One of the go-to ways to prepare an issue with any app is to restart it. Before you lot do anything else, just restart your app to make the problem go away. Y'all can likewise turn off your phone and turn it on over again. This has more chances of fixing the issue.

ii. Update Your App

Having pending updates can sometimes cause many issues. To get rid of these unwanted issues, y'all should update your TikTok app. To do this, get to Google Play and search for the TikTok app. Later on that, y'all can tap "update". Updating the app will hopefully get rid of many issues that you are facing.

three. Clear Cache

Get rid of whatever unwanted information from your TikTok app as information technology might be causing the app to fail. To articulate the TikTok cache, click on the three dots icon on the upper correct corner of the app. Now become to settings and select "clear enshroud". You can also articulate your app cache from your Android device settings.

iv. Adjust Your Internet Connection

Sometimes, the culprit might simply be your net connection. Yous should bank check whether your wireless network or mobile data is working. Try turning off the router and restarting it.

5. Calling TikTok Customer Support

If all else fails, you can call TikTok customer back up for fixing the event. Even though chances are that you won't demand to exercise this, you lot should know how to reach out to TikTok for customer support. If you want to report the outcome to TikTok, get to or Explicate your problem so they can observe a solution.


So, these are the reasons of why your TikTok video is not showing upwardly for others, every bit well equally some of the fixes. Calling TikTok customer back up should always be your concluding resort. Once you accept stock-still the problem, other TikTok viewers will be able to see your video and collaborate with information technology.


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