
what happens when you follow someone on tiktok

Accidentally Followed Someone on TikTok

If you are stalking someone on TikTok, the chances are you will see their profile a lot. Whether their content shows up on your page more often because you visit their contour and then often or whether yous simply choose to visit their profile a lot, yous are not lonely.

When y'all're on someone's profile creeping on their activity, it is quite possible to follow him or her accidentally. This can be embarrassing – especially if you don't want to be caught in the human action!

Of a sudden, you think to simply unfollow the page and hope that they will never notice out.

If y'all are worried nigh whether they will see yous accidentally followed them and so learn that y'all unfollowed them immediately afterwards, at that place is no surefire solution to this problem.

There are chances that the private both sees your frantic mistake or does not see your frantic mistake.

Volition Someone Know If I Follow So Unfollow Them Quickly?

If you accidentally follow and unfollow someone on TikTok, it is likely that they will never know you did and then.

Depending on how speedily you unfollow after accidentally following the account, the notification may never even be sent to their telephone.

Notwithstanding, if they are reasonably agile and you took too long to unfollow the profile, they are more than probable to receive a notification and see the example.

If they are not using their device when you unfollow them, and so the notification will but disappear as soon as you unfollow them, and they will likely never know you followed and unfollowed at all.

Even if they go to their notifications on TikTok, they volition never be able to meet that you followed and unfollowed their account because the notification gets deleted afterward you unfollowed them.

This also depends on the notification settings the user has enabled on their phone. If they don't have notifications enabled for the TikTok awarding or they have them set to alert them upon receiving something other than a follow, the private will not see that you have followed them unless they open the application and go check their notifications for that app.

If You Accidentally Follow Someone on TikTok and so Block Them?

If you accidentally follow someone on TikTok and then block them, they won't run across that you followed them since you blocked them.

When you block them, all notifications from you will disappear along with your profile. In that location volition exist no fashion for them to view your profile as long every bit they're logged into the specific business relationship that you have blocked.

Nonetheless, if you lot are wondering if you should block a certain someone afterwards you follow and so unfollow them, then yous shouldn't.

This is rather unnecessary and ends up making yous await worse in the long run – peculiarly if you become caught actively blocking people on social media.

Let me offer a scenario. Say you unfollow someone, but they're already on their phone. They receive the notification for you lot following them because you did not unfollow fast plenty; however, when they get to your profile, it shows that you're already not following them.

It could get especially awkward if they run across the notification pop up on their telephone, but information technology disappears upon them opening TikTok. This will look weird, and they can probably tell that information technology is an accident.

Now, permit'southward make this situation even worse. Say they saw the notification, went to your TikTok profile, and saw that yous blocked them. The all-time thing to do afterwards following someone accidentally is to unfollow them immediately.

What Happens If Y'all Accidentally Followed Someone on TikTok?

When you are creeping on someone's profile, or you encounter their content often on your For You page, accidentally the following someone is inevitable at some point – particularly if you utilize TikTok frequently.

This does not appear to matter much if you do it to a stranger, but if it involves someone y'all know, this could brand things awkward.

If you desire to save yourself the personal embarrassment, unfollow them and hope that they never find out about your little accident. If you are worried well-nigh whether they will be able to tell you unfollowed them or not, this depends on a diversity of factors.

If you follow and unfollow someone apace on TikTok, the chances are that they will never see that you lot did it. Depending on how quickly you unfollow them subsequently post-obit, they may never even receive a notification to their device, even if they have notifications turned on for following alerts on that application.

However, if they're agile on their phone and they have warning notifications for new followers, they are probable to receive a notification and meet that you followed them.

1. Were They Using Their Phone

If the private is not using their device during the time you follow and unfollow them, then the notification will disappear immediately upon you unfollowing them.

Even if they go to their notifications on TikTok, they volition not be able to see that you've followed them because the notification gets deleted every bit before long every bit you unfollow them.

In that location is no mode to actually tell if someone was using their telephone when yous followed and unfollowed them. This is why information technology is hard to use this reassurance for them to find out or an culling.

You lot can use other applications that reveal when a user is active, similar Facebook or WhatsApp, to see if they are currently using their phones. Yet, this does non always work.

Just because someone is on their phone does non mean that Facebook will show them as active. This will let you know if they were using their phones when you accidentally followed them.

two. If Yous Unfollow Them, Does The Notification Go Away

In their notification bar for their personal profile, the notification disappears upon you unfollowing the account.

Information technology used to be that when you accidentally followed someone and and then unfollowed them, the notification would stay on their phone but disappear on the awarding.

Recently, the notification has started to disappear on both the telephone and the application upon beingness unfollowed.

If in that location is a glitch in their notifications section, this can cause the notification to sit down in 1 location for longer than usual, allowing them to see that you had followed them initially.

Another thing that tin affect this is whether they have their notifications disabled for TikTok or non. As mentioned previously, if they have their notifications disabled, then when you unfollow them, they will not run into if yous follow them because notifications are disabled.

They can plow off these notifications past tapping the gear-shaped Settings icon and going to that of the TikTok application itself.

There is a downside to this assumption. Still – y'all won't know if they did this, so you cannot let information technology to reassure yous that they won't find out that y'all followed them.

3. Your Follow Might Be Clumped In With The Rest

If yous accidentally followed them, it is highly likely that this postal service was at to the lowest degree somewhat trending. At that place is a possibility that you lot saw information technology on your For You page. If this is the case, it is possible that it was also on a lot more For Yous pages.

Surely some of these individuals as well followed them. There is a run a risk that your username is just clumped in with the usernames of various other people who followed the user.

Because of this, they will not likely see that you followed them unless they get through and cheque the following individually.

With TikTok, if someone'southward post is heavy on the For You page, the people post-obit them are primarily people that they don't know. If this is the case, and so information technology is highly probable that they haven't even noticed that yous accept followed them.

4. If You Practise It Fast Enough, The Follow Won't Be Registered

When yous unfollow them, it is possible that you lot did it so quickly that the post-obit was never registered in the offset identify.

It usually takes a few moments for TikTok to register that someone has been followed and then send a notification to the individual to permit them know.

If you lot unfollow them fast enough, and then there will not have been plenty time passed for TikTok to process the specific follow and transport the user a notification.

If y'all are in a position where you only found out that you were post-obit them a while later, this certainly does non apply to you.

five. Are They A Famous Creator?

If this person that you've followed is a famous creator, then y'all accept even less to worry about. Famous creators become heaps of notifications, so one follows from someone they likely don't know is likely not going to catch them by surprise.

They don't even accept to be famous.

If they put out a lot of content on a regular basis and they get high engagement, they're constantly getting notifications sent to their phone, and in the event that you accidentally followed them, the chances of them knowing that you followed them are very slim to none.

What to Practice Afterward Accidentally Post-obit Someone on TikTok

Knowing what to do after accidentally post-obit someone on TikTok is crucial because information technology can make or break whether they get the notification or if they're aware that you unfollowed them in the first identify.

1. Disable Your Account

Again, disabling your business relationship after you unfollow them is not necessary. Once you lot follow and unfollow speedily enough, it is unlikely that they will meet a notification.

Whether they saw that you followed them or they didn't run across it, disabling your account is but an extra pace that you shouldn't take.

To deactivate your account, use the following steps:

i. Tap Profile in the lesser right.

ii. Tap the 3-line icon in the superlative right of the screen.

three. Tap Settings and Privacy.

iv. Tap Manage Account.

5. Tap Delete Account.

6. Follow the instructions in the application so that you tin delete your business relationship.

Since the follow volition not show upwards when you accidentally follow someone, y'all do not have annihilation to end them from seeing that you lot followed them.

The just occasion you should be concerned about someone seeing that you accidentally followed them is if you took a long time to unfollow them.

If you unfollow straight abroad, you practise not have to worry about the notification showing upwards. But if you took a long fourth dimension, that means that they take likely seen the follow already, and in that location is no point in you doing anything else.

Fifty-fifty doing things like blocking them is useless at that point because they'll know that you merely did it because you were embarrassed virtually you knowing that y'all followed them.

2. Delete Your Contour Picture and Change Your Name

As soon as you lot accidentally follow someone, you can change your profile picture and username to something anonymous and so that they never suspect it was you lot who actually followed them.

This means that yous will exist able to lurk privately through TikTok without the adventure that that person you know volition ever find out that you lot were stalking them.

How to Cease Accidentally Following People on TikTok?

Rather than someone being notified that you followed and and then unfollowed them, you can preclude this from happening in the first place. There are a few things that you can practice while using TikTok that will prevent you from making such a mistake in the kickoff identify.

1. Don't Scroll Almost The Follow Button

One way that y'all tin can accidentally follow someone involves clicking the follow button while scrolling through your For You page. To terminate yourself from post-obit them on accident, when scrolling, you lot need to stay away from the follow push button.

The heart of the left lane of the post is the safest mode to whorl, although it might feel more natural to use the right side. If you lot want to share the video or view their contour, then you demand to be extra conscientious to make sure that you don't click the follow button.

2. Aeroplane Way

If you are on someone'south TikTok contour, scrolling through their content, and so you lot can put your phone on Airplane Manner to help cover your tracks.

Before you practice this, brand sure to upload all of your pending content using a Wi-Fi connection or your personal data allowance. Once this is loaded, put your phone in Airplane mode.

If you accidentally follow them or like something accidentally, it will not be registered considering your phone is not connected to the internet.

If you practise accidentally follow someone, accept your phone off Airplane manner and refresh their profile. Then, you will run into that the profile was never followed.

3. Use Some other Business relationship

Some people take burner accounts that accept no tie to their identity. If you do, y'all can utilize this to pitter-patter on TikTok profiles. The users of those profiles will never be able to tell that it was you lot who accidentally followed them.

If their business relationship is public, then using your burner business relationship is simple. Y'all'll be able to view their posts at pretty much any fourth dimension. However, if their account is individual, and so you lot will accept to follow them and exist accepted in guild to view their posts anonymously.

The key thing to go along in heed here is that at that place tin can exist absolutely nix that links your personal account and this burner account unless they suspect that you are the one behind the account.

Another thing yous need to realize is that if they don't have a large following, they may notice that a burner business relationship is watching their stories and doesn't follow them.

This can lead them to block that burner account considering they will more than likely know that someone is creeping on them.

iv. Use TikTok On Your Laptop

Using TikTok on your laptop volition decrease the chances of you the following someone accidentally. Because you are not using your fingers, you will not be able to click the following button accidentally.

Of course, using TikTok on your laptop will non provide for the most immersive user feel, but it will alleviate whatever fears that you lot accept of accidentally following people.


In conclusion, if you accidentally follow someone on TikTok, it is not the end of the earth. You are not alone, and there are steps that you can quickly take in gild to ensure that they don't receive the notification that you followed them.

Many of these steps are described in farther detail to a higher place. Even if they notice that you lot followed them, however, information technology is not necessary to practice things like block them or delete your business relationship. Simply roll with it. Best of luck.


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